Aisha Amuda » PGY-4

PGY-1 | PGY-2 | PGY-3 | PGY-4 (Chief Residents)

Aisha Amuda

UNC School of Medicine
Photo of Aisha Amuda

Biographical Info

After spending her childhood in Shelby, NC, Aisha went on to study biology at UNC Chapel Hill. Before beginning her career in medicine, she was an Emerson National Hunger Fellow where she served at The Food Project and the Food Research and Action Center in Boston and Washington, D.C. She also worked as a policy advocate at the Community Food Security Coalition. As a graduate and medical student at UNC, her leadership and advocacy skills were apparent through myriad public health and policy roles. During medical school, she served as the SNMA chapter president, fourth year class president, and student body president. She was also a fierce advocate for expansion of the health equity curriculum and enhancement of the learning environment for underrepresented minorities in medicine. She earned an MPH with focus on the relationship between type 2 diabetes and food insecurity, publishing on the association between diabetes risk and built environment characteristics. She is the recipient of the Christopher C. Fordham III Student Award and June C. Allcott Fellowship, and is a member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society. Her career interests are hospital medicine and nephrology. Aisha’s vocal skills will be a tremendous asset to our jam sessions led by our PD, Rita Rossi-Foulkes.

Categories: PGY-4, Residents
Updated 11 months ago.