Applicant Interviews

The Med-Peds Residency Program will contact (via email or phone) all applicants selected by the Residency Recruitment Committee for an interview. We would like to get to know each applicant, so we typically interview around 8 applicants per day. Interviews occur on Wednesdays from November through January.

All invitations and correspondence will be sent via email, and interview spots fill quickly! Please ensure that the email address on your application is reliable and checked frequently.

Preparing for Interview Day

Historically, the interview day has been our chance to get to know you and show you what we love about our program. Since this year’s interview is entirely virtual, we will be adding information sessions to give you additional opportunities to meet our residents and learn about how we can individualize your training based on your priorities. These Zoom sessions will take the form of a Q&A, and will be open to all applicants. We will only offer a few throughout the year, but they will be recorded for applicants who cannot attend.

The Interview Day (tentative schedule in CST, entirely via Zoom)

As in years before, we will hold a resident-only get-together by Zoom the night before the interview.

8:30-8:45                Zoom welcome with Med/Peds PD, chiefs and Isabel Davila

8:45-9:25                Zoom Orientation with Med-Peds PD

9:30-11:30              Zoom Interview session #1

11:30-11:45            Zoom with Medicine and Peds Program Directors

11:45-12:30            Zoom Medicine AM Report (lunch)

12:30-1:00              Zoom Pediatric AM Report (lunch)

1:00-3:00                Zoom Interview session #2

3:00                        Zoom Q and A Meet with Residents

For more information, please contact our Residency Program Coordinator (Isabel Davila) at